What’s your A1C Goal
Type 2 Diabetes doesn’t have to be your future, discover how you can prevent or manage diabetes with us. We aim to educate you so you can make important decisions to have a positive effect on your life.

About Diabetes

Diet and Exercise are the key ingredients your body needs to fight diabetes. Obesity is linked to more than 50% of new cases of diabetes every year.

The American Heart Association has more resources on Diabetes and how the disease affects your entire body.

OK, Now that you're educated
you understand the importance of both what you do with your body (check out our Fitness page for tips on physical activity) and what you put into it - Nutrition.

The studies have proven that exercise is key.
It is now well established that participation in regular PA improves blood glucose control and can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, along with positively affecting lipids, blood pressure, cardiovascular events, mortality, and quality of life.

Does this mean diet?
Not exactly, it means that the food we eat is designed to provide our body the nutrients it needs. The primary goal of eating food is not to make you happy. Eating a proper diet doesn’t mean you cant eat food that you enjoy, that just cant be all you eat!